  • ICMAP 2024 provides an Early Registration Fee from October 16 to December 8, 2023 to discounted rates of the registration fee to those who are highly interested in the conference. All participants are strongly recommended to register online.
  • ICMAP 2024 provides free lunch to conference participants on January 16 and 17, 2024.
  • Date Menu 1 Menu 2
    January 16
    Jeju Black Pork Kimchi Stew Wild Vegetable Bibimbap
    January 17
    Abalone Seafood Earthen Pot Tomato Spaghetti
Registration Fee
Classification Pre
(From October 16 to December 8, 2023)
(From December 9 to 31, 2023)
(January 15-18, 2024)
Conference Regular KRW 650,000 700,000 800,000 Admission to All Sessions
(Except Tutorial Sessions), Conference Kit
USD 520 560 650
Student / Retire KRW 300,000 350,000 400,000
USD 240 280 320
Tutorial Only
Regular KRW 170,000 220,000 Only Tutorial Sessions,
Tutorial Book
USD 135 175
Student KRW 70,000 80,000
USD 55 65
* Confirmation letter will be sent to you by email after you complete the registration. You can also check your registration status at “Registration Submission / Status” Registration Process.
Payment Methods All registration fees must be paid only in KRW or USD by credit card or bank transfer.
Credit Card

• Participants wishing to make card payment can settle the payment via online.

• Only VISA, MasterCard, JCB and AMEX cards can be accepted.

• (For Foreigner) Please note that the billing descriptor will be listed as EXIMBAY.COM. This payment method is provided by Eximbay and is billed as

Bank Transfer

• Please make the bank transfer to the account provided below after submitting online registration form.

• Please note that the transfer must be made under the registrant’s name and must be stated on the receipt.

• The confirmation Letter will only be sent after receipt of the required fees.

• All bank charges for remittance must be paid by the registrants.

• A copy of the bank transfer (or other proof of payment) will be required if registration fees were not credited to the meeting account on time.

Account Holder The Korean Vacuum Society
Account Number 163-01253-246-01
Bank Name Citibank Korea Inc.
Bank Address Teheran-ro Branch (Haesung 2 Bldg. 942-10 Daechi-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-725, Korea)
  • · 수기결제는 ‘연구비카드’로 등록비를 납부하는 등록자에 한해 가능합니다.
  • · 등록 시 By Credit Card를 선택 후 사무국 이메일(로 등록번호와 함께 수기결제 요청메일을 작성해주시기 바랍니다.
  • · 사무국의 회신을 받으신 후 결제를 마무리해주시기 바랍니다.

• INVOICE : After submitting the registration form, you can find the document at “Registration Submission / Status”

• RECEIPT : After paying the registration fee, you can find the document at “Registration Submission / Status”

전자계산서 발행 요청 Click
Refund Policy For cancellation of your registration, a written request must be sent an email to Please note that all bank service charges will be deducted from the refunded amount and all approved refunds will be issued after the conference has ended.
Cancellation / Refund Policy Refund
From October 16 to December 8, 2023 Full Refund, reduced by the processing fee
From December 9, 2023 No Refund
Invitation Letter for Visa Application ▶ An official invitation letter will be sent by the Chair of ICMAP 2024 upon request. This personal invitation is intended to facilitate travel and visa arrangements for registered participants. Visa applications are the sole responsibility of participants. To request an official invitation letter, participant should first complete the registration process. After complete the online registration process, please send the invitation request form to the secretariat (
Contact Information (Secretariat)

• E-mail :

• Tel : +82-42-331-4295